Robert Reid

Robert Reid (Australia) – Director for Digital Resource Platforms

Director for Digital Resource Platforms

Born in Launceston, Tasmania, Robert first became involved with RLSSA during his time as a Cadet with Tasmania Police.  He represented Tasmania in Lifesaving from 1981-1990, coaching first the Tasmanian team from 1986-1991 and then the RLSSA National Team from 1988-1992.  Has held many volunteer positions with RLSSA initially, during the 1980s, as a member of the Australian Technical Committee and the National Sports Co-Ordinator before taking up a paid role as the National Development Manager between 1991-1999.  After a move to Queensland in 1999 he joined Ithaca Caloundra Life Saving Club as a patrolling member and coached the Club team to success at the Lifesaving World Championships in 2008, 2010 and 2012.  He returned to the role of National Sports Advisor in 2014.  He has officiated at numerous regional, state, national and international competitions. Outside the RLSSA, Robert, has been a member of both Tasmania and Queensland police and has over 25 years experience delivering IT solutions for both organisations.  Recently retired as a sworn officer he hopes to bring his years of IT experience to his new role with RLSS Commonwealth.