
His Majesty King Charles III is Patron of the Society. Our Commonwealth President is HRH Prince Michael of Kent GCVO.

The Society is managed by a Board of Trustees which is headed by the Deputy Commonwealth President. The Board of Trustees is made up of elected representatives of the three geographical regions of Asia Pacific, the Americas/Caribbean, and Africa/Europe plus up to three additional Trustees, one of whom is a Youth Trustee.

The Deputy Commonwealth President is supported by a team of volunteer Directors, each with their own portfolio. Day to day operations are delegated to Commonwealth Headquarters and supported by a number of sub-committees and working groups. 

The Society has a Memorandum of Understanding with, and Observer status to the Board of Directors of the International Life Saving Federation (ILS).  The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes ILS as the world authority on the global effort to prevent drowning. 

The following governance documents can be found in Corporate Resources

  • RLSS Charter and Bye-Laws
  • RLSS Regulations
  • RLSS Policies
  • RLSS Annual Reports