Lifesaving South Africa is an internationally renowned lifesaving organisation, and the National Association for Lifesaving and Lifesaving Sport in South Africa. In these roles LSA leads, supports and partners with national and international organisations committed to drowning prevention, water safety supervision, emergency response and sport. This essential service provides excellent standards of leadership and lifeguard training whilst encouraging innovation, development and first class service delivery.
Membership participation and contribution is valued and encouraged. Pathways are identified and achievement recognised. The highest standards of behaviour, respect for each other and the public is stressed, maintained and expected of all members. Members benefit from a sports programme that caters for all ages and ability groups.
Lifesaving South Africa provides an essential volunteer community service at the highest international standards for the public of South Africa.
Not only do the bathing public benefit from the Lifesaving capability of our lifeguards, the community also benefits in many situations away from the bathing facilities where training and skills of our members provide a much safer environment in South Africa.